Today, I'm going to tackle a topic that has recently added some salt to a fresh wound.
Bullying. But more than physical. Verbal bullying.
My oldest son is the youngest (by far) in his all day K class. As he was turning 5, the bulk of his peer group was turning 6. I'm sure many of you parents have been faced with a tough decision on whether to send your child to school early, or wait. Our decision to send early was affirmed by our son's teacher. D has no problem with the material, the mastery of it, or any of the needed skills.
But - and there is always a but - I'm not kidding myself. A year less of maturity, intra personal problem solving and just physical growth, does put D in a difficult position.
D is short for his age, which is amplified when he's around kids older than him. He is gregarious, and often quite loud, which I suspect is his defense mechanism to stress. Let me be nice to everyone, so no one will try to hurt me.
It recently stopped working. And stopped my heart cold.